Monday 27 August 2007

The Power of Nurturing Yourself


One Saturday I had the most wonderful treatment session from a lady called Sally Shoesmith of Escential Health at the Cottage Healing Centre in Tamworth, Midlands, UK.

There has been so much going on with us recently with new products and getting ready to move to Devon, that I was feelign really out of sorts. I had been feeling quite weepy, without knowing why, and getting overwhelmed at very minor things.

Sally's treatment was wonderful.

We talked first about everything that was going on and what I wanted to achieve from the session.

The goal for me was to release anything and everything from the past that was no longer serving me.

In true spirit of Goldston family, I might as well set a huge task while I am at it!

As the treatment progressed, it became clearer and clearer what the problem was:

1) Spleen- area of holding on to past stuff
2) liver- releasing toxins
3) Pancreas- what came up here was about vegetables and nutrition
4) Blood sugars - cravings for tea, coffee and chocolate

Hmm, I think she summed me up perfectly!

Nurture myself

I have been so busy "doing" that I have completely forgotten "being" and taking care of myself. I had long been saying "when we move, when we get into the country, when...."

What I realised is that I have to start nurturing ME- NOW!

I decided to cut down on the tea, coffee and chocolate, eat more vegetables and drink more water, as well as get out with the dog more, get to bed earlier and get a cleaner- that is definitely nurturing me!

Nuture my computer

Yes, I know, I sound like I have flipped altogether.
But, actually there is some sense to that.
Most of my business and income is generated via my computer, so it makes sense to brighten up my workspace and also to give my computer a day off!

I put some little crystals and buddha figures around it and changed the picture on the wall to one that really makes me feel good, instead of one that reminds me of all the things I "should" be doing.

Day of doing Nothing

So, I did absolutely nothing on Saturday and it was wonderful! I sat in the garden and watched the flowers, read a bit of my book, meditated, caught up on my sleep, took the dog for a walk and totally nurtured and pampered myself.

Boy, did it feel good.

When I put the computer back on, I was so much more productive.
Also, the other miracle thing was my computer was far less temperamental than it had been on Friday- and sales had come in while I lazed in the garden!

Perhaps both the computer and I needed nurturing.

That was certainly a real eye-opened to me.

You are your most important asset.
How can you nurture you?
With abundant blessings.
Amanda Goldston
Your Guide to Abundance

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