Tuesday 27 March 2007

Inspirational poems

Hi all

I have been very blessed to have some really lovely poems sent to me by my friends Jeannie Diazio and Martyn the Poet. I would like to share some of them with you.

Retreat by the Ocean by Jeannie Diazio
Beside the crystal clear waters
Of the blue-green briny beach
I retreat by your side.

Strolling along the coastal shores
Sunrays reflect a shimmering gold strewn about
An inner world of precious jewels sublime.

Beneath the limitless sea
My ears listen to the melody of the waves
My thoughts dance with the harmony of the tides

Extended arms unfold caressing the land
Feeling the sensations of the cool breeze upon my face
Hearing the zephyrs soft voice of tranquility
Dazed by the sunset as dusk presides

Silhouettes of lovers’ tryst hand in hand
Leaving embedded footprints in the carpet of sand

Meditating by the ocean in quest of myself
Tis the sanctuary that I seek, core of thy soul
God’s majestic design ever so
As if I breathe the oceans ebbs and flows

Night has befallen as I gaze at the stars
The moon casting down a florescent glow below
Spellbound by magical moments such as this
One of Heavens’ panoramic views
A heartfelt bond connected to thee

Tending the Garden by Jeannie Diazio
A garden should be a place of sanctuary
To go and reflect
Enjoy the beauty
Smell the bouquet of flowers

Sometimes weeds can overpower the scenic view
Destroying the path of loveliness
You know that is when it is time to weed

Bringing back the pure eloquence of joy
Serenity and peace
With God at my hand
Weeding the garden
Eliminating the unwanted
Restoring a harmonious law of nature
Replenishing my persona

To myself... by Martyn the Poet
When i awaken in the sunlight,
and step out to greet this day
I will strive to do those things deemed right
this I promise come what may,

For though my future is uncertain,
and whether bound in chains or free
Whatever i am wherever i am
I will be me.

May angels lift your spirit

Dreams upon the beach by Martyn the Poet
I dream my dreams upon the beach
how soft the sand beneath?

Watch distant hopes sail into reach
yet fate still plays the thief

I hold one though from lessons taught
grey skies will turn to deepest blue

But how much longer must i watch for sails
to move my dreams long overdue....?

Thank you so much for this beautiful inspiration
Have a wonderful day
With love and abudant blessings
Amanda Goldston

Monday 26 March 2007

Magic Moments on a Shoestring

On Friday my eldest daughter became a teenager and on Saturday we had the most magical day you could ever wish for.

We went to the West Midlands Safari Park in UK with 4 of her friends, my youngest daughter and her friend.

This is a magnificent place as it has a theme park with rides and it also has a safari park, where you can drive through the lions, tigers, white lions, white tigers, deer, giraffes, buffallo and other animals.

The girls shrieked with delight as they fed some of the animals out of their hands.

The deer are very forward in their approach and stick their head- antlers and all - right into the car to get food! They stand in the road and make sure the cars stop!

Just as we passed the wallabys, one of the girls yelled loudly "Look, the wallaby's having a baby!"

and it was. We watched as the mother gave birth to this tiny creature. What a sight!
Here is a baby wallaby that is minutes old,

The next magical moment was when the girls were feeding a giraffe out of the sunroof of the car. Greg was too far behind in the other car to get a picture of that. It was a most weird sensation.

Birthday girl, Stephanie was the star of the sealion show and got to feed a sea- lion as well as to get a wet sloppy kiss on the cheek. Her face was a picture.

After the tour, we had a fantastic lunch and the girls went on the rides in the theme park. When we finally left, we had several extra teddies with us, which had been won.

Back at home we sang Happy Birthday and cut this enoumous cake with jam, fresh cream and mountains of icing- yum, yum, just perfect for Mummy on a diet (well maybe that starts next week!)

It was so much fun and we enjoyed every minute of it.

With abundant blessings

Monday 5 March 2007

CDs now on MP3

Hi all

We have now rapidly getting my popular relaxation CDs onto MP3.

So far we have done Clear Limitign Beliefs, Creative Problem Solver and Stress Relaxation for Busy People.

The rest wil be available shortly.

In the meantime, a quick de-stress tip for you:

When you start to feel uptight, breathe really deeply and count to 7 on the in breath, hold for 7, count to 7 on the outbreath and hold for another count of 7.

Speak soon
With love and abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston