Friday, 20 July 2007

How I made my first dollar online

I am sure that you, like me, have heard all the stories of people making fantastic amounts of money online and wondered how they REALLY did it- and more importantly how I could do the same.

It is often said that making the first dollar or pound or whatever is the hardest and it is. This is because you have to learn what you are doing and that involves can involve a lot of trial and error.

It took me nearly 2 years to make that elusive first dollar. Everyone has to start somewhere.

What do Joe Vitale, Mark Joyner, David Garfinkel, Pat O'Bryan and Amanda Goldston have in common?

We have all made money online and we all had to start with that first dollar.

OK , at the moment the first four have considerably more zeros on the end of their pay-checks. The only difference between me- or you - is time.

As many of you know I have been working with Pat O'Bryan and the Portable Empire University to create and market my own downloadable products.

I have started to have some success with my first 2 products- Creative problem Solver and Clear Limiting Beliefs

C0-author a book with my heroes!

And now, I am a co-author with all of the people above of a soon to be released book called

"How I made my first dollar online"

How cool is that?

The great thing about this book is that is not only has chapters from the Internet Marketing great, it also has chapters from ordinary people like me.

People who have learnt how to make $1, $20, $100 , $500, $1000 or more. That may not sound like a lot of money, but that can make a big difference to monthly pay check.

Especially if that has come in from something where you have done the work once and then continue to get paid with it.

There is lots to learn from the people who are already fabulously successful. Most success books tell us to follow in the footsteps of the people who done what want to do.

Yes, great strategy.

Sometimes, to me at least, those people seem so far away from where I am that I can't relate to them.

I can, however, relate to someone who has $1 online and can show me how me how to do the same and then build on it.

I believe there is also a lot we can learn from people who are just starting out.

Watch for the book coming out very soon. It has lots of brilliant stuff in there.

"How I made by first $1 online" by Joe Vitale, Mark Joyner, David Garfinkel, Pat O' Bryan, Amanda Goldston and others..."

I will let you know as soon as it is released.
With abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston

P.S. That first $1 online can then lead to the next and the next. It is easy when you know how and you have got someone like Joe Vitale, Pat O 'Bryan and Mark Joyner to guide you

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Journey to the top of Glastonbury Tor


Last weekend I was invited to go with some friends to Glastonbury in South West England. Glastonbury is very old and is considered by many to be a "spiritual mecca".

It certainly has more than its fair share of new age bookshops, crystal shops and shops selling all sorts of things for the Mind, Body and Spirit. I was in heaven!

It seems there was some powerful new earth energy coming in on that day, so we decided to trek up to the top of the famous Glastonbury Tor to welcome it in.

Many of you will have seen my husband Greg's stunning picture of Glastonbury Tor on his Inspiring Moods screensaver.

You may be mistaken- like I was- in thinking it is not very far to the top. In Greg's picture it doesn't look very far.

Well, how wrong could I have been!!

I felt like I was climbing Mount Everest!

Yes, that was the Tor from the bottom!

It was well worth the walk and the view was spectacular.

Below is a picture of the actual Tor itself. They reckon it was once part of the Glastonbury abbey and there were monks living it at one point.

At the appointed time, when the new energy was coming in, all we saw was some very dark clouds in the distance and it looked like it was going to pour with rain. The rain held off until we got to the bottom of the hill.

The inside of the Tor is much smaller than I expected and I was amazed by what I could see through the small window. How anyone lived in there, I have no idea.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
It was really lovely.

It reminds me of a couple of years ago when I climbed to the top of Mount Vesuvius in Italy with Greg and Jacqueline. I wrote an article about that journey, which you can see here.

Speak soon
With abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston
Abundance Coach

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Could a fear of Sucess be holding you back?

Fear of Success and Fear of our Greatness.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us"
By Marianne Williamson, from "A Return to Love 1992"

When I first saw that quote, my brain slammed to a halt in order to
try to make sense of that.

That quote seems to be saying that we are more frightened of
massive success than we are of failure.

How could that be?

For many people this is one of their biggest fears and one of the
most destructive, because it is the least discussed.

Fear of Failure- yes, - most of us can understand that one and can
prepare ourselves for it.

Most of us are taught to expect the worst and potential "failure"
is a part of that.

But Massive Success? Most of us are never prepared for that one.

Could a Fear of Success be holding you back from achieving your
goals and dreams?

Ask yourself, What if I were really GREAT and did outstandingly well at my business? My job? In my relationship?

Notice how you feel when you ask yourself that question. Does it make you feel all tingly and excited? Do you start planning what you would do with all this success and probably the wealth that would follow it?

Do it now.

Imagine yourself to be fabulously wealthy, living in the home of your dreams, travelling to all your favourite vacation spots, having and doing all the things you would love to do- if you had the time or the money.

Really imagine it and notice how you feel. Notice any words that come up in your head. Do the words sound like a parent or teacher or someone from your childhood who told you all the reasons why “YOU” couldn’t have the life of your dreams?

Or do you suddenly feel really uncomfortable and start to think, “What would other people say? What would my "friends" say if I suddenly outshone them or my income took off?”

“Would I still have any friends?” or “Would I attract hangers-on, who just want to be with me because I have got money?”

Or “What would my parents say if I earnt ten times as much as they ever did?”

These thoughts can often be more unconscious than conscious. For many people, all they know is that they do not feel really comfortable with the idea of massive success, and as a result don’t try.

Anyone who has achieved massive success will have gone through this and had to give themselves a good talking to about it.

The fact is, as you become successful, not everyone around you will wish you success. Many of you will probably try to bring your friends along with you on the success journey, but many of those friends want to stay where they are and want you to stay where you are, so they don’t look and feel bad.

Actually, the more success you allow to come into your life, the more new friends you will attract, who will be on your new wavelength. Certain people will get left behind, but if they don’t want to grow with you, there is nothing you can do about that.

Fear of the Positive Changes

People often fear the positive changes, maybe extra responsibility, that great wealth and success brings.

They get caught in all the old negative programming about rich people being mean, selfish, arrogant and not spiritual and that money can only be acquired by foul means, and decide that it is not for them.

They get caught in negative thoughts of people begging for money and others taking it away from them, or what if they make it and then lose it? How much of an idiot would they look then to their friends and family? How much extra tax they might have to pay?

Yet, Success and Abundance is our birthright. We were not meant to live in poverty or stress.

The more Abundance you have, the more you can freely give to others and help them to improve their lives. Money builds homes, schools, hospitals, and many other great things.

True success is also about being able to be ourselves and to be comfortable with who we are.

BE Yourself

Many people go through life trying to BE who they think other people- family, friends, employers, employees, partner etc- want them to be, in order to win love and acceptance from those people.

The most important person, however, is ourself. It is far more important to totally LOVE & ACCEPT ourselves exactly as we are. Once we can do that, we attract to us people who also love and accept themselves and they can then love and accept us exactly as we are.

So how do You overcome a fear of Success?

The first thing is to be honest and to acknowledge the fear, if it is something that affects you.

Once you have identified and acknowledged it, then you can change it.

TIP : Mix With Successful People

One tip to change this is to find someone who has done what you want to do and model them. Modelling is a term which means learn from them, copy their good bits and adapt them to you.

There are a lot of people who have made their own success story, in whatever success means, and most of them are very open and approachable people.

Many of them remember where they have come from and are willing to help other people, providing those people are prepared to help themselves.

Pick someone who respect and admire, start to read their blogs, their articles, and newsletters, download their free stuff, maybe buy some of their products, contribute to their forums and get to know them- or at least about them

You don’t have to stalk them, but you can learn a lot from them. The key here is to take action on what they teach. Apply it to your own life.

As Kris Akabusi, the famous Olympic gold medallist says “successful people should be looked “IN-TO”, not “UP-TO”. What can you learn from these people about their success mindset?

Read as many books about successful people, particularly in your chosen field, as you can. Discover for yourself what they did to overcome this fear of SUCCESS.

Find people online and offline who you can mix with, who are on their way to their goals, and start to mix with them. Mix with people who are going somewhere with their lives and that will naturally pull you along as well.

You can start to upgrade your success mentality a bit at a time.

Each time you go out, go to a nicer and more exclusive and expensive coffee shop or restaurant or spend a bit more each time on the clothes you buy.

If you upgrade your success mentality in small increments, then it is much easier for your subconscious mind to accept and support, because it does not see it as a huge change.

I hope you enjoyed this short article and have found some ideas you could apply to your life.

With abundant blessings

Amanda Goldston
Intuition and Abundance Coach

P.S. For more ideas on quickly and easily clearing limiting beliefs, and also a beautiful relaxation to let blocks to success gently dissolve away, while you sleep so you can enjoy the success that is your birthright, please go to:

Clear Limiting Beliefs Workbook and Audio Relaxation

Monday, 2 July 2007

The More You Give the more you Receive

The More You Give, the More You Receive!

Hi all

Following on from the incredible response I had to the “Art of Receiving” article a couple of weeks ago, I would like to share with you a fantastic resource that has helped me move on with my “Ability to Receive”.

“The More Your Give, the More You Receive” by Roy Goreya

This is one of the best books I have read on creating the life of your dreams. Roy Goreya writes straight from the heart and his book is full of insightful wisdom that he has learnt on his own journey.

It is totally in alignment with everything I teach about creating abundance.

At first the idea of giving first, in order to receive seems to be totally backwards to everything we have been taught about success. However, it is really the most logical sequence of events.

Roy offers ones of the simplest explanations of the importance of “Being” ourselves and being responsible for our own thoughts and actions. Once we accept ourselves as loving, worthy, worthwhile human beings, then miracles really begin to happen.

It is important to give love and support to ourselves, first and foremost, and then to others. The more energies of unconditional love, gratitude and trust we give out in to the Universe, the more comes back to us.

The second part of the title of this book is “the More You Receive” and this is the bit that many people have the greatest challenge with. Roy’s book offer some simple, yet very profound ideas, for gradually increasing our self worth and allowing more good to come to us.

His book covers how we call apply this principle of “The more you give, the more you receive” to all areas of our lives; from our health to our wealth; form our children and their education to our relationships.

I was particularly drawn the sections on “Money- The Divine Energy” and “Fair and Creative Business”. Following those principles is how I have tried to build my business and it really does all come back to you- multiplied!

This is a brilliant book and Roy offers a superb value for money package. Roy truly practises what he preaches of “The More You Give, the More You Receive” and I wholeheartedly endorse his message and this book.

Please go and take a look.
Roy also gives you a completely free sample of the book.

The More you Give, the More You Receive

With abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston
Tarot and Abundance Coach