Tuesday, 19 June 2007
$891 in sales in 7 days- totally passive!
Part of that is about allowing ourselves to receive the good that is our birthright and part of it is about finding a suitable vehicle for creating wealth.
In my case it also had to be something I could start for almost no money, because I didn't have any.
Here is something that has worked for me.
It may - or may not- work for you.
I have just made 33 sales of a $27 ebook in 7 days- totally passive!- $891 in sales from 1 email!
My family and I were on holiday at the time, in a place where there is no internet access and I didn't even know that had happened.
6 months ago, I could never have written a statement like that.
I first came across Pat O Bryan in 2006 when I bought a set of his UNseminar 1 DVDs and CDs.
Like most fantastic material I had bought I never watched them.
In January 2007 I was at rock bottom. Due to a series of different events, my family and I started 2007 with $80 to our name.
Pat announced a competition to be mentored by him to build a Portable Empire Business. A business creating and selling my own products and making a PASSIVE Income, wherever I was in the world.
It took me all of 10 seconds to read and REPLY to that email and to write and post a letter to Pat, explaining why he should pick me.
That was the first lesson I learnt on my Success Journey- Speed of ACTION is King in Business Success.
I was so thrilled when I got the email to say I had been accepted.
8th March 2007 was my start date.
So far, since being a part of this amazing programme:
- I have defined the things I am PASSIONATE and KNOWLEDGEABLE about and have come up with my niche of "Intuition and Inspiration in Life and Business"
- I have written my ebook of "Develop Your Intuition in Business through Tarot" which is currently being edited
-I have shown a couple of people a product on "Clear Limiting Beliefs" that I had previously created. That product was then refined, the workbook updated, the sales letter updated and I put it on Clickbank.
- Pat promoted it for me, which is where a lot of the sales came from
- It was reviewed by Susan Denham on her site, www.beyondbrainwaves.com
-It has also been chosen to be a bonus product for another member, Amy Grant, who I met through the forum.
I am in the process of helping my kids get their own Portable Empire Businesses up and running and of helping other family members.
I have learnt so much about myself and have identified a lot of the reasons why I have given up in the past.
This is the most amazing place, as the people are so helpful and supportive.
I have tried for several years to make a success of Internet Marketing - on my own- and it has fallen flat on its face.
I have also had the opportunity to write a chapter for one of Pat's books.
I have made more progress in 3 months than I have done in 3 years. That is thanks to Pat O Bryan and the Portable Empire University.
Now I have tasted success, I can replicate that with other products and I am now well on my way to having my dream of multiple streams of passive income, wherever I am.
If I can do it, you too can create Your Own Portable Empire
Please have a look. It is well worth it, and NO, it won't break the bank!
With abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston
Monday, 18 June 2007
The Art of Receiving
The Art of Receiving
How about replacing the word “take” with the word “receive”?
For many the “Give” part is easy to do because most of us have been trained from being little children to give to others, to think of others before ourselves and to refuse gifts or compliments.
Agreed, you probably wouldn’t but you may be blocking that from coming to you by refusing small things in your life.
Has anyone ever told you that your clothes look lovely? And have you ever cast that compliment aside with “O, this old thing!”?
Have you ever refused money when you have done someone a favour, such as walk their dog or take them to the supermarket?
Refusing to accept good things blocks the flow and damages the cycle. We are all givers and we should also all be receivers. We cannot be solely one or the other.
Mount Everest
A few years ago, we had just sold a property and were feeling very prosperous financially. The husband of a friend of mine had the opportunity to go on an expedition to climb Mount Everest.
He had to fund part of it himself and my friend set about raising money for him. She baked and sold cakes, did a sponsored run and all sorts of other fundraising activities.
Constantly giving is not as selfless as we have been taught because if you give constantly and never allow yourself to receive, you cannot nurture yourself and replenish your ability to give.
"Yes, Please I'll have a wet suit..."
On the other side, I was told about a lady who was about to retire. Her work colleagues planned a collection for her and asked what she would like as a leaving present.
Are you refusing your good?
We put out our requests to the Universe for something and then refuse to accept it when it comes back, probably because it often comes back in a way that is different to what we requested and we don’t recognise our own request.
Maybe our request was for more money and a new introduction comes back, which is not what we asked for as we were expecting a lottery win or a loan to be repaid.
Top tips for Receiving
- Accept compliments with a smile
- Allow a friend to buy you a coffee or lunch or a meal
- If someone offers to pay you for something such as walking the dog or petrol (gas) money for taking them to the shops, gracefully accept it
- If you get an offer of help in any way, accept it, whether it is someone carrying your shopping or getting something off a high shelf for you
- Pick up pennies/cents in the street
- Expect to receive gifts, compliments, freebies, good deals, discounts, vouchers etc
- Think of yourself as lucky and tell yourself you are lucky and good things come to you
- Buy something really nice for yourself and accept the gift from yourself
- Practise saying "Thank You" and noticing things that make you feel happy.
Practise and have fun. Watch someone’s face light up when you gratefully accept something they have offered. That is a priceless experience!
With abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston- Intuition and Abundance Coach
P.S If you think you have blocks to allowing money into your life, you could try our new, improved Clear Limiting Beliefs workbook and Relaxation audio
Saturday, 9 June 2007
June Newsletter
The June Newsletter is a bit behind this month as we have chosen to live in chaos for a month.
We have been planning to move to the South West of England, however that looks as if the timing is not yet quite right.
We spent two weeks having the whole house fixed up, painted and decorated. Yes- in true Goldston style, we did the whole lot in one go!
At one point I remarked that "perhaps the next time we decorated, we would do what normal people do and... ( I was going to say "do one room at a time")...
Stephanie chipped in and finished the sentence for me .. "and we'll go to the Bahamas for the week"- that's my girl!!!
Divine Timing
When we desperately want something to happen, it can be very hard to accept that perhaps the timing is not quite right at this very moment. There had been issues over trying to rent our house out in order to move and then the estate agent (realtor) gave us a much lower sale valuation than we expected.
Hmmm... someone trying to tell me something maybe?
Then Greg told me he had imagined a Christmas Tree in one (now clutter free) corner of the room.
Christmas Tree??? In May???
Since I stopped fretting about moving, other things have started to flow. Perhaps that was an excuse not to be doing the things I know I really needed to be doing.
Queen of Procrastination
I have discovered a real talent I have never acknowledged before- a great ability to find other things to do other than the important stuff.
I went on a fantastic workshop last weekend to deal with just that issue and I will tell you all about it shortly.
Lesson of the Month
My lesson this month has been to focus on the IMPORTANT stuff, to do one thing at a time and complete it before I go onto the next one.
There is loads of new things coming up which I will tell you about shortly.
That's all for now
With abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston