Monday, 7 May 2007

May2007 Newsletter


I have just posted the May Abundance Newsletter for you. It has lots of tips for creating abundance in your life, as well as some special offers.

May Newsletter

April was our first full month of homeschooling and it has been a real learning curve for all of us. One of the biggest lessons for me has been to:

"Take things one step at a time"

and this has applied to all areas of my life.

I have set out a plan each day for homeschooling and for business.

The Homeschooling plan has been relativley easy to follow, although I found I was trying to get the kids to do far too much in a subject in a day.

On the business list I now have one important thing do do each day.
When that is complete, I celebrate!

I was trying to get far too much done, the "to-do" list was so scary I was getting nothing done.


The abiltity to focus on one thing at a time is crucual. I have spent most of the most reorganising the pages for my current products, so they are all on one page and easy to find.

That has cleared the way, so I can focus on my Tarot, Angel Cards and Intuition products.


I am so delighted with my re-organisation, that I am offering 25% off all my products including in-depth angel card readings until Friday May 11th 2007.

Please take a look and snap up a bargain.

Plans are well under away for our move to South West England in the Summer. Yippee!!

Catch up soon
With love and abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston

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