Monday, 24 September 2007

One of my favourite poems


I love this poem. It is so simple and yet really beautiful: I hope it brightens your day.

A Smile Costs Nothing

A smile costs nothing, but gives much.

It enriches those who receive it without making poorer those who give it.

A smile takes only a moment, but the memory of it can last forever.

No one is so rich, or so mighty, that they can get a long without a smile.
And no one is so poor that they cannot be made richer by a smile.

A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business and is the

countersign of friendship.

A smile brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the

sad and is nature's best cure for trouble

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen
for it is of no value to anyone until it is given away.

Some people are too tired to give a smile so give them one of yours ,as no-one needs a smile so much as he who has no more of his own to give.


We have just started a "laughter book" where everyone writes something each day that made them smile.

For us, most of this seems to be about the mad antics of George the Rottweiler or about my absent- mindedness.

Yes, I really did bang my head on the curved fish tank in the aquarium in Plymouth (with the big sign above it that said "Mind Your Head") and then have a serious disagreement with a concrete pillar in a car park (which just "slightly" re-shaped Greg's car).

The kids thought it was hilarious!

By the way, did you know that computers "hibernate"? Ours does and it switched itself off today after only 2 minutes being switched on!

What made you smile today?

However small it may seem, treasure that moment.
Feel a warm glow of joy inside you.
After all, life is made up of magic moments.

Smile at someone and you will be amazed at the warm, glowing, beaming smiles you get back.
Have a smiley day.
With abundant blessings.
Amanda Goldston
Abundance Guide.