Saturday, 14 April 2007

James Allen Inspiration

Hi all

One of the grand-daddy's of the personal development and Inspiration movement is James Allen, who wrote the very famous book "As a Man Thinketh"

He spent his writing years from 1905-1912 in Ilfracombe in South West England.
I grew up in a village called Lynton, about 20 miles from here.

Whilst on holiday at Easter, we went to find some of the views that inspired the man that has inspired so man.

He used to walk from his home up to the top of the Cairn Nature Reserve, where he would meditate and draw inspiration for his books.

Here are some of the stunning views he saw (less most of the houses of course)

View over Ilfracombe to the Bristol Channel

View looking inland

It was well worth the climb to the top and looking at the stunning views, I could quite understand why he was so inspired.

He was a very prolific writer and also produced a monthly magazine called "The Epoch", which was distibuted worldwide and continued by his widow, Lily Allen, after his death.

Ilfracombe hold an annual Victorian week in June, so that will be well worth visiting.

Just for fun, the kids did a meditation (well, sort of!) on the top of the hill.

Morning Meditiation

Have an inspired day
With love and abundant blessings
Amanda Goldston

Monday, 9 April 2007

Money really does grow on trees.

Hi all
We have just had a wonderful week in Devon, South West England, with some truly magical moments.

I had to share this one with you.
As kids most of us have told that "Money does NOT grow on trees!".

Well I am here to tell you it does and we have the photo to prove it!

Yes, that really is hundreds (of not thousands) of coins which have been pushed into the trunk of several trees.

We found this in a place called the Glen Lyn Gorge in Lynmouth, Devon.

We added our own coins for good luck and gave the whole tree a really good, long RUB.

I would like to wish you Good Luck and Prosperity.

With love and abundant blessings

Amanda Goldston